Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today's Lunch is Yesterday's Dinner

Last night we made Japanese curry and Risotto. My boyfriend Jesse has become my cooking partner in crime. He never cooked at all before he met me. Now he's my resident slicer and dicer. With a little help, he pretty much made the Japanese curry on his own. Olivia, one of my Taiwanese roommates, made the Risotto. She never made it before, so I tried to help her out... except I've never done it before either. She start of with mushrooms, rice, and a few other ingredients. Antonia, my other roommate, kept saying, "put in cheese". We both protested until I wiki'd what risotto really is. I scrounged around the fridge, pulled out some parmesan, butter, milk, and a little worcestershire sauce. I threw in a little Italian seasoning, too... The result was pretty fantastic. My friend Terra came over to chow down and study as well. We still had a lot leftover. Luckily both these things taste even better the next day.

Jesse put on some fresh rice and went off to play GTA. Now I'm just waiting for these delectables to finish.

From OmNom

And the result:

From OmNom


Tonight gnocchi and sausage for dinner?

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