Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I am going to post pictures of all the things I eat and make, especially the delicious ones. I think this will reveal who I am because I'm all about food. :D

From OmNom

This is the first thing I took a picture of in Japan. It's a cold soba with an egg and little nori seaweed strips. I actually remember it being pretty gross because the egg had a foamy-texture, but my "guardian" Shiho picked me up from the airport and took me out to eat. She wound up doing lots of wonderful things for me, and this was the beginning of my attempts to be fearless when dining.

I'm going to be double posting something old and something new a lot, I think.

From OmNom

This is my roommate, Romina. She's from Germany. Her birthday just passed, and I baked her a cake and we went on a picnic.

From OmNom

It's a simple yellow cake with a buttercream glaze and a blackberry filling.

From OmNom

These are her pictures, but it was my cooking. We have a botanical garden here, so a group of us went and made traditional bento food for hanami, or flower viewing festival. We made chirashizushi and makizushi. It was a pretty great day. Everyone really enjoyed it.

And that's it! For now. :)

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