Thursday, April 8, 2010

Japanese Obsession 2

From bento


I made that with the help of my roommate back in Japan. Unfortunately now that I'm back in the states, I don't get too many chances to make a lot of bento now. One thing I'm looking forward to next time I'm in Japan for an extended stay is to get back into bento making.

From bento

Pork, Cherry tomatoes, cucumber sausage and apple filled bunnies.

From bento

From hanami

For last year's hanami.

From hanami

We made all that!

From OmNom

And from this year's, mentioned in the first post. Not really in bento-form. I gave my big pink bento box to my boss in Japan, Maiko. It's hiding in the next photo.

From hanami

I got really obsessed with bento boxes while I was in Japan, and I'm sure if my career leads me there again I'll be collecting them all over again. There's just something really fun about making cute and delicious food.

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